Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bare Minerals High Shine Eye Color Review

Normally, I’m not a huge Bare Minerals fan and I usually don’t frequent that section of Sephora but these super shiny pigments caught my eye. After one swipe from the tester, I immediately threw one in the basket. And then I just couldn’t help myself and I returned to grab another one. At $16 a pop, they are not cheap but I definitely feel like they are worth it.
They come in 6 different, super shiny colors:
Patina: a gorgeous forest green
Electric: a bright blue
Bronzed: beautiful bronze
Frost: shiny silver
Moonshine: deep plum
Glisten: Nude, almost light gold
I bought them in Glisten and Moonshine because I felt like I could use Glisten as a base eyeshadow color and Moonshine as a contour color.

What I Love:
~Super shiny!! It almost looks like foil on your lid!
~Very pigmented-only need a tiny bit to get intense color
~Look great mixed and matched together
~Lasted allllll day-this stuff seriously doesn’t budge! I had to use my waterproof makeup remover to take off
~Opaque finish
~Glided nicely onto my lid
~Gorgeous colors
~Free of preservatives and chemical irritants
~Looks gorgeous as a liner under the lower lash line
What I’m Not Crazy About:
~The applicator-it comes in a tube with a wand-like applicator built in, like the one you get with your Covergirl eyeshadow. It’s a tad bulky and messy and I’d rather have it in a loose pigment style jar so I can use my own brush to apply it. I actually ended up dumping a tiny bit out onto my palette and using my own eyeshadow contour brush anyways.
~Need to make sure to wipe off the excess shadow onto the edge of the container or else you will end up with tons of fallout on your cheek
~If you apply too much of it on your lid, it looks a tad ridiculous in my opinion. A little goes a long way!! But if you want people to be able to see themselves in your eyeshadow, then go nuts!
~Not the type of shadow you’d wear to the office
If you’re interested, definitely check out your local Sephora or support OBD and purchase
Thanks for reading!!
xo Courtney

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