Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's All About the Glitter...

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was scanning the various departments in Marshall Fields when I stumbled upon the most exquisite display of makeup products I had ever seen. The packaging had this futuristic feel and exuded a coolness only supermodels possessed. It was like candy from outer space or at least what I imagined Fun Dip to resemble in an extraterrestrial setting. And just as I could never pass up a big bag of powdery sugar, I was unable to walk away from this exhibition of striking eyeshadow, lipgloss, and of course glitter! This display belonged to none other than the now discontinued (tear…) Tony and Tina brand!! That day I snatched up two glitter pots, a lipgloss, and a bold green eyeshadow pigment. I would return several times to get my fill of these gorgeous, eye catching products. And thanks to my strange addiction to buying beautifulthings not for actual use but to display on a shelf and admire for years to come, I am the proud owner of several of these discontinued gems. The glitter pots were amongst my favorite of the collection and were the inspiration for this post. I just can’t help but get a little nostalgic when I pull them out. If you don’t already have them in your possession, Ebay may be your only hope. But no need to fret, glitter has been a staple in many of the most trusted brands’ collections.

Glitter brings out your fun side  and used sparingly, it can really add some sexy glamour to your look without the risk of resembling a teenager. Glitter is no longer reserved for New Year’s Eve, Halloween, and any event featuring a disco ball. Here are some of my favorite glitter products that you can incorporate into your makeup routine to bring out your inner shine:
1. -These are my all time favorite and I own quite a few of them. Use over eyeshadow or eyeliner to really make your eyes pop. Some of my favorite combinations are:
#1 Gold Glitter over black or purple eyeshadow
#10 Black Glitter over jet black eyeshadow-adds a cool multi-dimensional look

#12 Pink/Purple Multicolored Glitter over purple, pink, or gold eyeshadow. This is my “Katy Perry” glitter and I am obsessed!!

(Feel free to mix glitter with eyeshadows that don’t match but my favorite combinations involve glitter layered over an eyeshadow of the same color)
2. -Love to apply these on inner corners of the eyes or under the lower lash line to make your eyes literally sparkle. Glam Rock (silver) and Air Guitar (Baby Blue) are two of my favorites. This stuff is also great to smear over the entire lid because the gel in the liner will keep the glitter in place. It also fixes the problem of glitter falling over your entire face, which is a common concern with loose glitter. (Say glitter again…Glitter!!)

3. -The Reflects Gold looks gorgeous over any shade of brown or gold. Honestly this stuff is super versatile and can be worn over pretty much any color combination.

How to Apply Loose Glitter on Eyelids:
1. Use the Ben Nye LiquiSet  and those sponge applicators you get with those cheap drugstore eyeshadows. You can buy packs of those sponge applicators at a local makeup supply store.
2.Spray the LiquiSet on the back of your hand and dip the sponge applicator in it. Just make sure its not too wet or it will be super messy on your lid.
3. Dip the sponge applicator into the glitter and then apply directly to the eyelid or on the lower lash line.
4. Re-apply as many layers of glitter as possible to achieve the look you want
(You can use Make Up For Ever Eye Seal instead of the LiquiSet but it is much more expensive and I think the LiquiSet does just as great of a job)
Some things to remember when dealing with glitter:
1. Stick to glitter on one area of the face-if you’re going for sparkling lids, skip the glittery lips or you risk looking like Ke$ha.
2. Use a setting/sealing liquid so glitter doesn’t fall over your entire face and you end up looking like a human disco ball.
3. Use clear tape to remove excess glitter that may have fallen on unwanted parts of your face or off your pillow after a long night of partying
4. Have Fun with it!! Sprinkle glitter on your hair or even in your lotion to add some all over sexy shimmer!
I hope this post inspires you to go out and experiment with all sorts of glittery looks!!
Thanks for reading!!
xo Courtney

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